Monday, April 30, 2018

Soft Oatmeal Cookies

Hi readers!  I've had a really busy last six months or so.  To keep you up to speed, I got married and we moved into our new house in October, and I have been working on getting my deck and garden spaces perfected.  I've also been cooking up some new things in the kitchen, which I'll share today.

When I started this blog, we had moved into a condo and my kitchen space was small but exciting for me, as that was my first home with Josh and I really got more interested in cooking and baking.  Now that we are in our forever home, I have a beautiful kitchen with more than enough space for us to cook together.  So although the "Turtle's Kitchen" has itself changed, the essence of the blog is still about finding inspiration to cook new things in whatever space you have and enjoying it.

We've been experimenting with creating the perfect homemade pizza, grilled wings, and burger seasonings.  I've been baking and coming up with at-home latte ideas now that I have an espresso machine.

So today I'll share my recipe for soft oatmeal cookies, as well as some photos of other things we've made in the last month.

Now for the cookies!


1 stick butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 1/4 cups flour
1 1/4 cups rolled oats


In a mixer, cream together the softened butter and white and brown sugars.  When this is creamed together, add the eggs one at a time while mixing slowly.  Now add the baking soda, baking powder, salt, and vanilla.  Mix thoroughly. Next, add your flour and mix until just combined.  Finally, add the oats. I like the hand mix these in or just put the mixer on the lowest setting to stir them in.  You don't want to overmix here.

Now, get your cookie dough onto sheets  lined with parchment paper. Bake for 12 minutes.  The tops of the cookies should look golden brown.

Your final result will give you a slightly crunchy outer shell, but a soft and chewy inner cookie.

These serve well with a cup of milk or hot tea (most specifically, always my personal favorite - a cup of Earl Grey.)


I recently bought a Tetsubin teapot, shown here.  It's a cast iron Japanese style teapot that is amazing for steeping and serving tea in a cute way.  You can find them on for fairly cheap prices.

Here are some of the other goodies we've made recently:

Homemade pepperoni pizza!

A new take on pork chops - pesto parmesan pork chops! With homemade pesto of course.

Vanilla & cinnamon latte!

Stay tuned for my posts in the near future!