Monday, July 27, 2015

Fried Rice

To go along with the theme of Asian cuisine, I made fried rice for the first time today. I kept it simple, but this dish is versatile and you can easily add any type of vegetable or meat that you want. This rice would be a great side dish to homemade General Tso's chicken (see my last blog post for the recipe!)


3 tbsp. Vegetable oil
1 tbsp. Oyster flavored sauce
1 tbsp. Sesame oil
2 cups white rice
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp. Soy sauce
1 large carrot
1 small onion


Boil the rice as usual. Set aside when it is cooked. Now, dice the carrot and onion into tiny pieces and then add two tbsp. of vegetable oil to a pan, along with the sesame oil and oyster sauce, and cook the vegetables for about five minutes. Then, in a separate pan add the rest of the vegetable oil with the garlic. Let it cook for a few minutes and then turn to high heat and add the rice and the soy sauce. This will cook fast so stir continuously and don't let it burn. Now, add the vegetables into the pan of rice and stir it all around. It is ready to  serve. Enjoy!

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