Sunday, August 9, 2015

Homemade Lavender Hand Scrub

The Turtle's Kitchen is more than just recipes for great meals - I'm all about making things at home and doing DIY projects.  Today I'm sharing something that my Mom made: homemade lavender hand & foot scrub!  This is so easy to make, with only three ingredients.  It smells great, and can be used to exfoliate the hands and feet.  The olive oil makes your hands and feet feel smooth, and the lavender has a calming scent.  I love learning how to make things like this at home, because it saves money but it's also fun.

Here's the simple way to make your own body scrub...


1 cup olive oil
1 cup kosher salt
1/2 cup dried lavender


Place the olive oil and lavender into a sauce pan.  Heat this until the mixture is warm.  Place the salt into a separate dish or bowl.  Pour the oil mixture over the salt, and mix it well until everything is incorporated together.  Now, you can put this mixture into jars and store it just like that.  Enjoy this homemade scrub!

Here are the ingredients and jars, ready to go.

Here is the lavender and olive oil mixture being warmed up.

This is the mixture being combined with the salt.

Here's the finished product!

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