Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blueberry Jam

Here is my recipe for homemade blueberry jam.  This recipe is easy to make, and the best part is you can go pick blueberries locally and enjoy the entire experience. 

I went blueberry picking this morning with my mom and my sister.  Here are some photos from the blueberry "fields."

This was my bucket of blueberries, quickly filling up!


4 cups of blueberries
4 cups of sugar
1 box pectin
1 brick paraffin wax


Pour all blueberries in to a large pot.  Using a potato masher, crush up the blueberries a bit.  They don't need to be completely mashed, just enough to get the juice out of some of the berries.  Bring the berries to medium heat, and pour in the pectin powder.  Now, turn up the heat and bring the mixture to a boil.  Let the pectin dissolve.  

At this stage, your mixture will look like this:

When the mixture has come to a boil, add the sugar slowly and continually stir.  Let it boil for one more minute.  Now take off the burner and let it cool for a minute.  Now, using a funnel, pour your mixture evenly into your jars.  

In a separate small pan, bring the paraffin wax to medium heat.  When it has completely melted, take off the stove top and ladle the melted wax into your jars.

Like so:

Wait until the wax has formed in the jars (about an hour) before putting the lids on.


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