Saturday, July 19, 2014

Homemade Calzones

My homemade calzones are one of my absolute favorite dinners to make.  I made them this past week,  and thought I would share this simple, tasty recipe. 


Dough (I've used homemade bread dough for these, but here is my tip for making this a fast dinner: buy frozen loaves of bread from the grocery store, and use one loaf for this recipe)
2 tablespoons of flour
Handful of pepperoni
1/2 cup of broccoli, chopped
1/2 can black olives, diced
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup marinara sauce 
1/2 cup ricotta cheese

*yields two large calzones*


If you are using a frozen loaf of bread, set one out to thaw in the morning before work, and be sure to cover it with plastic wrap so that it stays soft and does not form a hard crust on top.

When you get home and the bread loaf is thawed, cut the loaf in half.  Then, roll the dough out after rolling your ball of dough into a bit of flour.  

To prepare the broccoli (for my calzone,) I saute it on the stovetop with crushed garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, and a bit of lemon juice.  When broccoli is browned around edges, take it off the stovetop and let it cool before adding to the calzone.  

For each calzone: 
When you have the dough thinned out, lay it out and spread the ricotta cheese on one half of the dough.  Layer your topping of choice (broccoli & diced black olives or pepperoni).  Next, sprinkle in the shredded mozzarella.  Fold the over half of the dough over your filled side.  Press the edges together, and to seal them, use a fork to "crimp" the edges.  

Bake at 400 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.  I can tell the calzones are done when I tap the top of one with a knife and it make a hollow sound.  They will be golden brown when done.

Dip the calzone pieces into marinara sauce, and enjoy!

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