Sunday, July 13, 2014


Welcome to my kitchen.  Though it may be small, it does not lack in color or excitement.  The meals I make are borne out of the belief that food need not be extravagant to be tasty and filling.  Fresh ingredients are always better, and sometimes the most simple meals are the best.  Work with the space you have and the tools at your disposal.

Soon I will share a picture of my patio garden. Because I don't have a space to garden, I got potted tomatoes and basil from my parents.  I have been diligently watering my plants and now I have my first (green) tomato.  I have been enjoying the basil for about a month already.  These fresh ingredients will be useful for a variety of dishes.

My parents have a huge garden at their home, and I will also share photos of their produce.  My mom will be blogging here along with me.  She is the one who gave me the nickname of "Turtle" when I was a little girl, and clearly the nickname stuck!  

We look forward to sharing our recipes and ideas with you. 

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